Convert-It! ======================================== ---------------------------------------- Table of Contents ---------------------------------------- - Description - System Requirements - Installing - Using the Application - Contact Info - Registration - License Agreement - Revision History ---------------------------------------- Description ---------------------------------------- Convert-It! is the premier Pilot, PalmPilot, WorkPad and Palm III tool to convert numbers between different units of measurement. Features: o 18 measurement categories and 170+ conversion factors. o Double precision floating point math calculations. o Numeric or scientific notation input and display. o Cut, Copy, Paste and Undo editing functions. o Localized (international) numeric input and display. o Runs on all Pilot, PalmPilot and WorkPad models, including the new Palm III. The following units of measurement are supported: o Accel. (angular) o Power o Accel. (linear) o Moment of Inertia o Angle o Pressure o Area o Speed (angular) o Density o Speed (linear) o Energy/Work o Temperature o Flowrate o Time/Frequency o Force/Weight o Torque o Length o Volume This application is offered as shareware. It may be used on a trial basis for 30 days. However, if you wish to continue using it after this time, please register with us for the nominal fee indicated. By registering, you will receive the latest version, future updates, and a key to turn off the registration reminder. Please read the license agreement included with this software. By using this software, you accept all terms in the license agreement. ---------------------------------------- System Requirements ---------------------------------------- Convert-It is fully compatible with all devices running the Palm Operating System (PalmOS), including the original Pilot 1000 and 5000, the PalmPilot Personal and Professional, the IBM WorkPad and the Palm III. The only requirement is sufficient memory to load the Convert-It application. Throughout this document, we will refer to the above models interchangeably as the "handheld organizer", or simply the "organizer". ---------------------------------------- Installing ---------------------------------------- This installation assumes that you have the Desktop software installed on your computer, and the HotSync Manager is functioning. 1. The CNVITxxx.ZIP archive contains the following files: README.TXT Documentation in text format (this file). REGISTER.TXT dpw Designs Registration form in text format. CNV_IT.PRC Convert-It! application. 2. If a previous version of Convert-It! has been installed, please delete it before proceeding. The built-in "Memory" application of your organizer may be used to delete installed applications. If you are using the Palm III organizer, first switch to the application launcher. Next, tap "MENU", select "Delete...", select "Convert-It" and finally tap the "Done" button. 3. From the "Desktop" folder of your personal computer, run the "Install Tool" to install the application: CVT_IT.PRC 4. Finally, HotSync your organizer to your desktop to complete the installation of Convert-It! For additional information, please consult your organizer handbook. ---------------------------------------- Using the Application ---------------------------------------- Once Convert-It! has been installed, tap on the "prism" icon on your organizer to launch it. To perform a conversion, the following must be known: measurement category (distance, temperature, volume, etc.), input units, input value and output units. First, select the unit of measure. To do this, tap in the area to the right of the "down arrow" in the upper right corner of the screen. Next, select an input unit. Input units are located to the right of the first field. Tap in the area to the right of the "down arrow" to select the desired unit from the list. If all of the choices do not fit in the list, tap the up or down "scroll arrow" to view more units. Similarly, output units are located to the right of the second field. Then tap on the first line to select the input value field. Using Graffiti input or the pop-up keyboard, enter the value you would like to convert. Numeric input is accepted in either integer, real or scientific notation. Examples: 2 6.022045e23 3.14159 6.63E-34 -32.2 International Users: Please note that a comma "," may be used in place of the decimal point "." as a digit separator by selecting the appropriate "Numbers" selection within the "Formats" category of the built-in "Preferences" application. To perform the conversion, simply tap the "Convert" button. When the calculated value is less than 0.000001 (1E-06) or greater than 1000000 (1E06) the output display is automatically switched into scientific notation mode. Example: ( To convert from kilometers to miles ) 1. Tap on the category field, in the upper right corner of the screen, to select "Length". 2. Tap on the input units (to the right of the first field or line) and select "km". Note that you will need to tap on the "down arrow" a few times to find the "km" unit of measure. 3. Tap on the output units (to the right of the second field or line) and select "mi" 4. Tap on the first field or line to begin entering the input value. Either Graffiti or the pop-up keyboard may be used to enter the input value. 5. Tap on the "Convert" button to perform the conversion. ---------------------------------------- Contact Info ---------------------------------------- Convert-It! is by dpw Designs (c) 1998 All Rights Reserved dpw Designs P.O. Box 192 Norco, CA 91760-0192 USA mail-to: ---------------------------------------- Registration ---------------------------------------- This application is offered as shareware. None of the features of this product are limited or disabled in any way. It may be used on a trial basis for 30 days. However, if you wish to continue using it after this time, please register with us for the nominal fee indicated. By registering, you will receive the latest version, future updates, and a key to turn off the registration reminder. PilotGear H.Q. ($10.00) -------------- PilotGear H.Q. accepts registrations by Visa, Mastercard, or American Express. In addition to their secure online web page, registrations may be placed by e-mail, postal mail, telephone and fax. 1521 North Cooper, Suite 110 Tel: 817.461.3480 Arlington, TX 76011 USA Fax: 817.461.3482 mailto: dpw Designs (Postal/Mail Only: $5.00) ----------- For registrations by mail, a form has been enclosed for your convenience. Please print the enclosed file REGISTER.TXT, follow the instructions, and mail to: dpw Designs P.O. Box 192 Norco, CA 91760-0192 USA Please make sure to include the following information: o Product Name o HotSync User ID (Required for key) o E-mail address (for return of your registration code) o Check or money order (in U.S. funds) to dpw Designs Please note that your HotSync User ID can be found in the following places on your organizer: o From the application launcher, select Convert-It. If the "Register Convert-It" form does not appear automatically, tap "MENU" and select "Register". Next, tap the "Register..." button to display the "Please Enter Reg#" dialog. Your HotSync User ID follows the text "Name:". o From the application launcher, select HotSync. Your HotSync User ID follows the text "Welcome". If you are using a Palm III organizer, your User ID is located in the upper right corner of the form. ---------------------------------------- License Agreement ---------------------------------------- We at dpw Designs are committed to providing quality, easy-to-use software. While some effort has been made to ensure accuracy and that this software will not cause any loss of data, use it at your own risk. This software is provided as-is, with no warranties expressed or implied. By using this software, you agree to indemnify the author of all damages associated with the use of this software. This archive is freely redistributable, provided it is made available only in its complete unmodified form with no additional files and for noncommercial purposes only. Any other use must have prior written authorization from dpw Designs. This application is offered as shareware. It may be used on a trial basis for 30 days. However, if you wish to continue using it after this time, please register with us for the nominal fee indicated. By registering, you will receive the latest version, future updates, and a key to turn off the registration reminder. ---------------------------------------- Revision History ---------------------------------------- 1.05 30-Jun-98 - Added negative number input. - Added scientific notation input. - Changed height of "unit of measure" lists from 5 to 10 items. - Corrected error in "Time/Frequency" category when converting to/from Frequency and the input value is zero (divide by zero). - Corrected errors in 'Speed (angular)' category when converting to/from: deg/min, rad/min. - Corrected errors in 'Accel (angular)' category when converting to/from: deg/min^2, rad/min^2 and rev/min^2. 1.04 25-May-98 - Added following conversion to 'Area' category: o dkm^2 o hm^2 o hectares - Added following conversions to 'Pressure category: o mbar o bar o kg/m^2 - Added following conversion to 'Speed (linear)' category: o in/s - Added following conversions to 'Volume' category: o teaspoon o tablespoon o acre-feet - Added localized (international) number support for input and output on PalmOS 2.0 and later devices. - Updated conversion labels for consistency. - Corrected errors in 'Time/Frequency' category when converting between time and frequency. - Corrected error in 'Speed (linear)' category when when converting to/from revs/min. 1.03 3-May-98 - Modified main form to align fields. - Changed 'Force' category name to 'Force/Weight'. - Changed 'Time' category name to 'Time/Frequency'. - Added the following conversions to 'Force/Weight': o stone o ton UK - Added the following categories: o acceleration (angular) o acceleration (linear) o speed (angular) - Fixed minor registration bug when running under PalmOS 3 (Palm III). 1.02 10-Apr-98 - Fixed errors in time conversions; 365 days/year. - Added following time (frequency) conversions; Hz, kHz, MHz, GHz. 1.01 8-Apr-98 - Fixed errors in time conversions; to/from minutes, hours days, weeks, years. - Added new unit of measure: Density. - Modified registrations screens. - Updated documentation. 1.0 4-Apr-98 Initial Release ---------------------------------------- Copyright Statement ---------------------------------------- Copyright 1998 by dpw Designs. All Rights Reserved 3Com, the 3Com logo and Graffiti are registered trademarks of 3Com Corporation. PalmPilot, the PalmPilot logo, HotSync, and the Palm OS are trademarks of 3Com Corporation. WorkPad is a trademark of IBM.